What Does Extended Ratios Mean?
You maybe have heard about a decline, or been declined yourself in regards to the Affordability on your mortgage. The fact that you cannot afford this mortgage payment would not necessarily mean you are declined, it means you have to seek out Alternative Lending. They extend this affordability, which means they take your ratios and…
What A B Lending Mortgage Looks Like. On Closing.
B lending is cheaper than private lending. We won’t go into the details of what B lending is all about. For that, check out our post on what B lending is. In this post we will break down the costs of getting into a B Lending Mortgage. This type of scenario applies to certain borrower…
What Everyone Ought To Know About Mortgage Fees
This topic could expand into an all encompassing look at the actual process and degree of tenacity and skill it takes a broker/agent to obtain approvals on certain mortgage loans but we’ll skim here in this post. We are basing this on Borrower Types, and mortgage types we see in the current mortgage industry in…