Category: Triple A Lending

  • What A Triple “A” Mortgage Looks Like. On Closing.

    This is the Triple “a” mortgage. There are a few names, bank lendingndue tonbanks historically lending to best credit clients, a borrower, strong covenant. How do these mortgages look when someone wants to buy a home? Remember there is land transfer taxes as well as other fees, if you are not a First Time Home…

  • What Everyone Ought To Know About Mortgage Fees

    This topic could expand into an all encompassing look at the actual process and degree of tenacity and skill it takes a broker/agent to obtain approvals on certain mortgage loans but we’ll skim here in this post.  We are basing this on Borrower Types, and mortgage types we see in the current mortgage industry in…

  • Borrower Types Explained In Few Minutes.

    We could go into the 6 c’s of lending here and go into exhausting detail about how every client is different because they are. Instead we are going to sum up types of borrowers by matching them to the type of lending Mortgage Suite achieves approvals with. It’s not the borrower that’s called this type,…

  • How does someone get the best mortgage rate?

    It takes some good everything these days to get the best Mortgage rate The best rate on a mortgage these days come down to more than credit. If you want the best rate there are some additional factors we have to consider. Credit is great but there needs to be a 2 year history, or…